10 key facts about social networks!

Time of use, preferred social network, favorite browser, most downloaded application... The latest Digital Global Statshot Report is out. Discover the 10 most striking information of this beginning of 2021.

Hey you! 

Do you know what the most downloaded app is in 2021? The average time spent on the internet? The preferred media? All this information has just been published in the latest Digital Global Statshot Report. We have analyzed the 221 pages of this report to bring out only the essential. Discover in this article the key information to remember. 

A closely scrutinized report

Every year, the creative agency We Are Social, in partnership with the tool Hootsuite, publishes a report (the “Global statshot report”) detailing the uses of the Internet and social networks worldwide. An update was made in July : preferred social network, time spent on the Internet, most downloaded application, level of trust given to information on social networks… Everything is scrutinized. This report is more than 221 pages of figures and analysis. Find below the 10 most important lessons. 

The 10 facts to remember

  • TikTok is the most downloaded application in 2021. Followed by Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Zoom, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, CapCut and finally Google Meet.
  • Facebook remains the social network with the most monthly active users (2.85 billion users). Followed by YouTube (2.29 billion), WhatsApp (2 billion), Instagram, Messenger, WeChat and TikTok.
  • More than 1 billion videos are viewed every day on YouTube.
  • Less time spent on the Internet each day (30 seconds less per day on desktop and mobile)
  • Chrome, the most used browser in the world. Safari and Firefox are next. 
  • Use of social media like Facebook surpasses use of messaging applications.
  • Social networks have had an important place for what is related to information and news. On this point, Twitter stands out. On the other hand, we also note that individuals have a lower level of trust regarding news on social networks (only 24% have a positive feeling about this content, compared to 44% for content from all sources)
  • Individuals have lower levels of trust in news on social networks.
  • Mobile data traffic is constantly increasing. The graph below speaks for itself.
  • Google (Android) and Apple are largely dominant for web traffic by mobile OS. Samsung is in 3rd position.

One thing is sure, digital has a great future ahead of it, and the current context confirms it once again. Internet usage is exploding, video format is booming, all generations are now gathered on the web, the majority of humanity is connected… In short, we can’t wait to discover what these new uses will imply in terms of changes for our societies of tomorrow!